Today I decided that being a menopausal woman is a very confusing thing to be, as you simply do not know how you’re going to feel at any given time. I am caught in an endless state of ever-changing moods and often find it hard to keep track.
For example, yesterday I was lazy, tired and miserable, while today I am not. And today something out of the ordinary happened – I had an urge to clean. As this was a first for me, I knew it had to be none other than a menopausal moment in disguise.
With that, I gave the flat a good once over, more formally known as a spring clean. A gift for my husband, I thought, who no doubt would have preferred a different kind of ‘once over’.
My husband likes things to be tidy and for the place to be ordered and neat. His forte is making the bed and he specialises in corners – a skill, he claims, he acquired in the army. On a personal note, I would have preferred something more macho but bed corners it is, and I can settle for that. Plus they make me smile.
I would love for all menopausal moments to be as easy as this, but we know they are not. Today I struck gold and got a nice one. A cleaning one. I decided to call it my EMM – my easy menopause moment.
They don’t happen often, but today was my lucky day.
And I count my blessings.
J x
(Shared from my old diaries)
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