Today I went to see a consultant regarding a health matter. It was not a ‘womanly’ matter but rather a check on another part of my female anatomy.
This was the first time I had seen the consultant and with that being the case, I had to walk him through my medical history. Metaphorically speaking.
I have a long health history, and it’s tiresome to provide it every time I see someone new. Plus, I have trouble keeping track of it. This could be due to my increasing list of health concerns or my cognitive decline. I suspect both.
Whilst I was pondering this matter, an interesting thought crossed my mind – that I would make a good film (my story, not me). I wondered whether it would be a sob story or a story of strength. It would be an epic, as there has been a lot. Mostly, I just hoped they’d cast me well and give me thick hair.
As for the consultant, he was a very nice man and I liked him from the off. Once I had been through my story, he asked how I was. He asked politely, and he asked like he cared.
And then he uttered these few words to me:
“The menopause can be devastating for a woman”.
I was speechless.
A little in love.
But most of all, I wanted to thank him for acknowledging the menopause – for saying what so many do not, and for recognising the difficult times we woman can have.
Thank you, special man.
I think I love you.
J x
(Shared from my old diaries)
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