Today I want to touch on anxiety and that’s because it’s a biggie. It can be brought on by the menopause, as can panic attacks.
Neither is a barrel of laughs.
I met with my friend Dana recently and we talked about this a lot. Dana is one of the most grounded, balanced and sensible women I have known, but she turned up a mess. Not externally – she was well-groomed and neat on the outside – but internally. She was a menopausal wreck and full of anxiety.
“It’s my fluctuating hormone levels” she said and proceeded to tell me how the differing levels of oestrogen and progesterone had been affecting her moods. She then cried into her white serviette, blew her nose and leaned over the table for a hug. It was clear that she couldn’t cope.
I was sad to see Dana like this. It reminded me of how quickly anxiety can grab you from behind and take you down – particularly in our menopausal years. On my part, I am aware of just a small increase which I put down to my starting point – I was already there.
When I think back to my anxious times, my heart wants to crumple and cry. They were my ‘panic years’ – a whole lot of panics, over a whole lot of years and it was hell. The attacks hit me hard, rocked me to the core and tipped life up-side-down. It was a frightening time for me and I thought I was going to die.
I was young and scared but I pulled myself through with grit, determination, and endless PD (Personal Development as opposed to Police Department or Public Domain). Plus a large supply of Rescue Remedy. I am proud of myself for that, albeit occasionally I wonder if it might have been easier to pop some pills instead.
I mention all this in case you have panics too.
And my heart goes out to you.
I pray you learn to manage them in a way that’s right for you. Keep searching, never give up and don’t feel ashamed to cry.
Most of all please rest assured that you’re not about to die.
I just wish I had known that back then.
J x
(Shared from my old diaries)
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