Today I woke up wanting to talk about beards.
Not the fashionable type sported by men – a different type of beard.
As a side note, I am still not sure how I feel about man beards and wonder if they are here to stay, or just a funny fad.
Most fashions tend to grow on me even if I loathe them at first. Like drainpipe trousers – unless you are straight up and down, you look like a cornetto and why would you want to do that?
I, of course, never wore them – until I did. And that is how things often work for me when it comes to trends.
But it’s not man beards I want to talk about.
It is lady beards.
Menopausal lady beards.
Facial hair for all us women is really not ok. It’s a No-No with a capital N and my heart goes out to those of you who struggle with this.
I do too.
Just as we’re coming to terms with menopausal sweats, rage and wrinkles, along comes the facial hair – and if beards weren’t bad enough, we get full moustaches too.
It’s a menopausal nightmare.
And very unfair.
Plus it is far from ladylike and whilst I am trying to embrace the feminine me, having a beard does not help.
We know it has to do with hormones, but where’s the consolation in that as no matter what we do to remove the buggers, they simply come right back.
And with that, I picked up the phone and booked an urgent chin wax.
J x
(Shared from my old diaries)
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